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{HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy

Written by lowongan kerja on 8:05 PM


the gangsa   private villa & spa is looking for someone with an outgoing personality, excellent communication, who is experienced in handling administration .
We proudly offer you an excellent career opportunity to join our team as Human Resources Officer  with the following qualifications :
Ø  Maximum 30 years old of age.
Ø  Graduated from a prominent tourism school.
Ø  Excellent command of English proficiency.
Ø  Good Health and Grooming
Ø  Self motivated, detail oriented, excellent guest interaction approach
Ø  Is energetic, honest personality willing to help and able to work as a team
Ø  willing to help and able to work as a team
Only short listed candidates will be further considered & proceed  for an interview.
If you are interested, please send your CV to Kayumanis Nusa Dua  Private Villa & spa
 to the following address;
Fax No : 0361  770770
P.O Box 777 Nusa Dua , Badung-Bali.

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