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{HHRMA~Bali} Sous Chef Vacancy

Written by lowongan kerja on 10:42 PM


Job Vacancy in Nihiwatu Resort

Required Sous Chef who will be responsible for reports to the head chef and assumes the head chef's responsibilities in his absence at the award-winning Nihiwatu Resort.
The successful applicant should have the following qualities and experience:
  • Indonesian citizen.
  • Relevant experience in similar high-end operations.
  • Strong kitchen leadership and organisational skills, as well as a keen eye for maintaining 5-star hygiene and sanitation standards.
  • Flexible and able to cater to particular guest requests/ preferences/ allergies.
  • Comfortable spending extended periods of time in a remote location.
  • Some experience with supervision of Food and Beverage Service and willing to assist with tasks beyond the scope of the job description.
Interested applicants can send their resume with cover letters to A recent photograph and salary expectation must be included.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Thank you

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Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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