{HHRMA~Bali} Free Software Hotel & HR [2 Attachments]
Written by lowongan kerja on 11:53 PM
TROBEX - Free Hospitality Management Software Dear Valued Customer,
We gladly to offer you our Software that suitable for your tourism organization, such as: 1. Trobex Hotel/Villa, 2. Trobex Resto, 3. Trobex Spa, 4. Trobex Retail (POS), 5. Trobex Human Resources, 6. Trobex Tour Travel Agents.
We would like to inform you our software main advantages below: 1. No license fee 2. Lifetime warranty for any "Bugs" found in the system 3. Price offered including Package 4. Multi user access 5. Customizable report format 6. User friendly 7. free maintenance 8. 10x training
For further information please see the attachment. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there any further question.
Attachment(s) from Leo Ramadhanus
2 of 2 File(s)
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