{HHRMA~Bali} Job Vacancy : Reception
Written by lowongan kerja on 10:51 PM
Danoya Villa Private Luxury Residences in Seminyak Looking qualified candidates for the following position to join our team :
· Male
· Tourism School Background Min. D3
· Customer Service Oriented
· Good Personality and English
· Able to Work Individual and Team
· Having Min. 1 year exp.
Please send your application, complete CV and recent photograph to hrd@danoya.com
Thank You,
Diana Asian Siregar
Human Resources Department
DANOYA VILLA - Private Luxury Residences
jalan batubelig no 559 . kerobokan . kuta 80361
bali . indonesia
tel. +62 361 735305
fax. +62 361 733372
email. hrd@danoya.com
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