Informasi Lowongan Kerja Indonesia

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Written by lowongan kerja on 12:23 AM





We are seeking a young person who is skilled in technology to join our team. The precise technological capabilities will be listed below. In addition to these skills, the applicant should have a keen interest in the environment, environmental technologies, design, and sustainable design.


You will be responsible for the following:

  • helping to manage our scheduling system, specifically helping troubleshoot technological problems (ex: calendar management using Google and Microsoft Outlook, switching from mobile me -> "iCloud", synchronizing devices)
  • understanding Apple products, and staying abreast new technologies that will maximize efficiency (databasing information, time-saving, etc.)
  • being able to clearly communicate in English (to explain how to use technological devices, and be competent in teaching others new ways to work a device or system)
  • helping with website and blog updates (wordpress experience is vital and ability to write in English)
  • understanding Google (applications), Apple, windows, android products and platforms
  • experience with Adobe, and basic graphic design (ie. newsletters, website tweaks, creating briefing packages with embedded hyperlinks, etc. etc.)
  • long-term project: research green technologies, help build and maintain a new website with an emphasis on green technologies, such as bamboo and its creative uses


If you're the one we're looking for, please send your CV and salary expectation ASAP to

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