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[lowongan-beasiswa] FW: Australia Indonesia Governance Research Partnership [Due: 31May08]

Written by lowongan kerja on 9:18 PM

From: [INCL English] []

Australia Indonesia Governance Research Partnership

Applications for the 2008 Young Scholars Workshop close 31 May 2008. See details below.

What is the Young Scholars Workshop?

The Young Scholars Workshop is designed to encourage a new generation of prospective researchers from Indonesia and Australia (especially Honours and post-graduate students). Funding is available on a competitive basis to bring young scholars together with established researchers and to present summaries of their research.
The workshop will be held annually at the same time as the AIGRP Policy Research Forum. In 2008 the Young Scholars Workshop will be held in December in Jakarta. Participants in the Young Scholars Workshop will also have an opportunity to observe the Policy Research Forum.

Who can take part?

Honours and post-graduate students who are currently (or have recently completed) undertaking research with a focus on Indonesia.

Applicants do not have to be currently enrolled. Applicants do not have to be scholarship recipients or recent scholarship holders.

What are the benefits?

The Young Scholars Workshop is designed to give young researchers a taste of the profession, enabling them to showcase their research and develop their presentation skills. It is also a great opportunity to network with leaders in the field and to build a new network of peers.

Economy travel and accommodation for 3 nights will be available to the successful applicants.

What should you research?

The Young Scholars Workshop seeks to bring together a rich and diverse group of aspiring young scholars. Research topics should be broadly related to Indonesian governance concerns for example politics, economy, law, society and the environment.

How can you apply?

To apply, simply fill in the application form below and attach:

* Summary of Research (see section 3 of the application form).
* Curriculum vitae (see section 4 of the application form).

Then email your application to:

Kate Fuller
Young Scholars Coordinator

Applications close on the 31 MAY 2008.

To download the application form:
pdf Download Application Form (pdf)



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