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Vacancy in Kediri East Java

Written by lowongan kerja on 8:41 AM

We are a hotel group located in East Java need a professional to fill
the position as follows;

1. Human Resources Manager

§ Male / Female max. 35 years old

§ Minimum 2 years experience in the same position (3* / 4*

§ Strong in industrial relations, recruitment and training,
staffs development

and HR planning

§ Have excellent leadership, communication, interpersonal
relations and

organization skills

§ Able to work independently under pressure and a
self-starter with lots of


§ Highly motivated, hard working, dynamic, energetic,
communicative, good

skill team player & problem solving.

§ Willingly to be placed in Kediri East Java

1. Human Resources Supervisor

§ Male / Female max. 28 years old

§ Minimum 1 year experience in the same position (3* / 4*

§ Analytical and organized

§ Excellent interpersonal skill with an outgoing personality

§ Sufficient knowledge and handiness in HR operations

§ Highly motivated, hard working, honest, dynamic,

communicative, good skill team player & problem solving

§ Willingly to be placed in Kediri East Java

Please apply directly and send completed resume

(Application letter, CV & current photo) to:


Email address :

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