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{HHRMA~Bali} Job Vacancy for Villa Manager

Written by lowongan kerja on 1:02 AM


We are Growing Luxury Premier Villa Company in Seminyak -Bali

Seeking candidates to fill the following position:



 (Previous Villa experience essential)


With Qualifications:

ü  At least 2 year working experience in similar position

ü  Hospitality degree

ü  Fluent comment of English and other foreign language is preferable

ü  Computer literate

ü  Has strong leadership

ü  Managerial skills and  adequate interpersonal & communication skills attractive and outgoing for leading management company

ü  Guest focus and guest satisfaction oriented

ü  Ability to work independently and with a team

ü  Energetic, self-motivated and excellent communication skill

ü  Has high commitment to the job

 Candidate should have a strong personality, good manner, fair, honest, and friendly

Please send your application with expected salary and availability for commencement of work along with reference contact list, CV and most recent photograph to

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview

Recent Activity:
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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