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{HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy at Amadea Resort & Villas

Written by lowongan kerja on 2:43 AM


Dear Members,

Amadea Resort & Villas, a new 4 star resort in Seminyak with 86 Rooms, 7 Suites and 7 villas, scheduled to open end of March 2011 is inviting qualified candidates for:


- Male/Female, maximum 25 years old
- Relevant diploma or graduate from university, hotel school or vocational school of respective subject
- Fresh graduate with relevant experience as daily worker are welcome
- Good looking, highly motivated, energetic, and outgoing personality
- Ability to speak other foreign language will be an advantage.

Please send your application, CV and most recent photograph to

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for interview.
Best Regards,

I Wayan Sugiharta
HR Coordinator

Amadea Resort & Villas
Managed by Prime Plaza Hotel & Resort   

Recent Activity:
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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