Hi,, guys Please respect yourself as a local people, do not blame each other, Peace please !!! I see a lot of smart local people in Bali and they can also have an excellent English and the other hand I heard whether true or not, many foreigners/expatriate not so good in English, sometime there are also arrogant disrespect our Indonesian rules but could also be a GM, it may be just because of their Boss/owner derived from the same country then maybe they will feel convenience to work together as a one team Anyway we are also actually should be like that, by giving a priority to our local people as a GM in our country - Indonesia, and definitely we support them, of course they should be speak English and experienced, I do not think too hard to find candidates like that, and again back to an owner, they must have a high spirit of nationalism by providing an opportunities for our local people as a GM and now it's our job to convince them in your work place, may also from the government side should be involved by way to tighten the regulations due to the working permit is issued by the government, Honestly,,,,,,,,, I have great confidence in our local people could be appointed as a GM even though in big hotel or international chain hotels and many examples that have been successful, then why we not continuing,,, we are just different hair color so we have to reality. This is only my personal opinion so sorry for your inconvenience, thanks
--- On Wed, 4/20/11, w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com <w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com> wrote:
From: w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com <w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com> Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? To: ekadhewanta@gmail.com, "Yudhi Lingga" <hr@thelegianbali.com>, "HHRMA Bali Mailing List" <HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>, "I Gusti Putu Suena" <igp_suena@yahoo.com>, "Suardika Made" <hrm@meliabali.com>, "Wayan Nawa" <w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com>, "'putu hendra'" <hendrawan80117@yahoo.com>, "'Byron Karwanto'" <b112on@yahoo.com>, "'Budhiwijaya (Jay)'" <akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>, agusmulyawan@yahoo.com, "'Joseph Karundeng'" <joseph_edk@yahoo.com>, HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com, HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com, "'Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier'" <hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>, "'syahrul sauta'" <syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2011, 11:21 AM
Dear Pak Eka, Bukan masalah doyan ga doyan, Tetapi faktual di lapangan, stok orang2 yg capable and trustworthy utk posisi GM memang masih terbatas. Sama halnya dengan keterbatasan ketersediaan tenaga lokal utk executive chef, atau sales and marketing director, golf pro, etc. Jadi jangan kita terlalu mudah membuat kesimpulan dengan melempar isu lokal vs. expat apalagi kl menganggap kita doyan dijajah. Ga ada yg salah kan dg GM expat? Salam,
Wayan Nawa
Executive Assistant Manager General Affairs
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From: ekadhewanta@gmail.com Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 12:38:49 +0000 To: I Ketut Mudi<hr@thelegianbali.com>; <HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; 'gusti suena'<igp_suena@yahoo.com>; <hrm@meliabali.com>; <w.nawa@ymail.com>; 'putu hendra'<hendrawan80117@yahoo.com>; 'Byron Karwanto'<b112on@yahoo.com>; 'Wayan Nawa'<w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com>; 'Budhiwijaya \(Jay\)'<akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>; <agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>; 'Joseph Karundeng'<joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; <HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; <HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; 'Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier'<hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; 'syahrul sauta'<syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> ReplyTo: ekadhewanta@gmail.com Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates??????
Dear all, Intinya adalah kita orang2 yang doyan dijajah. Akan sangat sulit tuk mengubah cara pandang orang lain kecuali kita mulai dari diri sendiri. Regards, GEDE - asli bali Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
From: "I Ketut Mudi" <hr@thelegianbali.com> Sender: HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 17:00:37 +0800 To: 'gusti suena'<igp_suena@yahoo.com>; <hrm@meliabali.com>; <w.nawa@ymail.com>; 'putu hendra'<hendrawan80117@yahoo.com>; 'Byron Karwanto'<b112on@yahoo.com>; 'Wayan Nawa'<w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com>; 'Budhiwijaya \(Jay\)'<akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>; <agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>; 'Joseph Karundeng'<joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; 'HHRMA Bali Mailing List'<HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; <HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; <HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; 'Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier'<hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; 'syahrul sauta'<syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Subject: RE: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates??????
Ya ini bener  T O P  banget setuju dengan Pak Suardika dan Pak Nawa…………….. Kapan ya orang kita bisa saling respect…… saling support? Kind regards, From: HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com [mailto:HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of gusti suena Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 4:39 PM To: hrm@meliabali.com; w.nawa@ymail.com; putu hendra; Byron Karwanto; Wayan Nawa; Budhiwijaya (Jay); agusmulyawan@yahoo.com; Joseph Karundeng; HHRMA Bali Mailing List; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier; syahrul sauta Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? beh..... patut pisan sekadi sapunike Gero Mangku.......................... From: Made Suardika <hrm@meliabali.com> To: w.nawa@ymail.com; putu hendra <hendrawan80117@yahoo.com>; Byron Karwanto <b112on@yahoo.com>; I Gusti Putu Suena <igp_suena@yahoo.com>; Wayan Nawa <w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com>; Budhiwijaya (Jay) <akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>; agusmulyawan@yahoo.com; Joseph Karundeng <joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; HHRMA Bali Mailing List <HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier <hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta <syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Sent: Tue, April 19, 2011 3:26:50 PM Subject: RE: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Dear Pak Nawa dan kawan-kawan, Saya mencoba melihat dari sisi lain, yaitu orang kita cenderung tidak bisa diperintah oleh rekan-rekan sesama sebangsanya, ini dibuktikan pada saat ada tekanan dari Owner, dan GM Atau TOP management tersebut mulai menekan ke bawah, maka mulailah terjadi dendam, dan IGNORE segala bentuk perintah. Kecenderungannya, orang asing itu didengar oleh temen-temen kita, dan tidak mempermasalahkan bila perlakuan  â€Å" agak keras â€Å" diberikan oleh top management asing. Bilamana sebangsanya ada di atas, maka mereka sudah berhitung berapa gajinya, kok enak sekali Dia di ata memanfaatkan kita semua, lalu ada gerakan mosi tak percaya, lalu. Turunkan!!!! Melihat kenyaataan tersebut, maka para owner, mengambil jalan pintas untuk merekrut orang asing Atau expat, untuk menyelamatkan investasinya. FAIR ENOUGH. It is not an experiment for them to Recruit a local GM , Right ? Fenomena ini sama dengan masyarakat kita di Bali saya amati, bila saudaranya sesame local maju, mereka sudaj mulai bikin aturan macam-macam, penanjung batulah, dll, bila saudara kita dari luar pulau, melakukan Hal yang sama, jual bakso beli tanah, kita memakluminya ? Ini hanya, pengamatan saya pribadi, untuk ikut meramaikan perbincangan ini. Bila ada yang kurang berkenan, Mohon maaf. Regards, Made Suardika Human Resources Manager MELIÃÆ' BALI – INDONESIA hrm@meliabali.com Kawasan Wisata BTDC Lot 1 Nusa Dua Bali, 80363 Indonesia Tel: +62 361 771 510 Fax: +62 361 776 880 | From: HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com [mailto:HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of W. Nawa Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 2:09 PM To: putu hendra; Byron Karwanto; I Gusti Putu Suena; Wayan Nawa; Budhiwijaya (Jay); agusmulyawan@yahoo.com; Joseph Karundeng; HHRMA Bali Mailing List; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier; syahrul sauta Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Sayang kalau kita hrs kembali berpikir sempit lokal, sementara saudara2 kita sudah mendunia. Apa kita mau suadara2 kita yg sdh go international kena syndroma lokalisme di tempat mereka berkairir di luar negeri? W.Nawa Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry® From: putu hendra <hendrawan80117@yahoo.com> Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 13:23:22 +0800 (SGT) To: Byron Karwanto<b112on@yahoo.com>; I Gusti Putu Suena<igp_suena@yahoo.com>; Wayan Nawa<w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com>; Budhiwijaya \(Jay\)<akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>; agusmulyawan@yahoo.com<agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>; Joseph Karundeng<joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; HHRMA Bali Mailing List<HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier<hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta<syahrulsauta@yahoo.com>; <w.nawa@ymail.com> Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Sudah saat nya kita sebagai local human untuk maju dan berkembang berkompetisi dengan expatriate. One thing yang harus kita ketahui bahwa, selain kita sudah siap untuk menjadi berkompetisi dengan dengan expatriate yang ada untuk management property dan industri lainnya, kita juga telah siap untuk masuk ke dalam jaringan sales dan marketing connection dunia, dengan terbukti local people telah banyak di hire di luar negeri, seperti Ibu Sri mulyani di Bank Dunia, kita juga telah mendapatkan the Best spa in the world yaitu Spa Bali, para duta sales & marketing official local kita yang melakukan trade show ke setiap event yang ada di luar negeri, dan selalu mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan... Jarang saya lihat para expatriate yang melakukan trade show, jikalaupun ada, selalu didampingi oleh local sales & manager nya mereka, yang lebih banyak melakukan presentasi. Untuk Informasi tentang Indonesia dan Bali khususnya, bagaimana adat budaya dan prilaku kita di Bali, para expatriate tidak begitu memahami secara spesifikasi nya, sedangkan customer atau client yang datang ke Bali lebih banyak ingin mengetahui Budaya dan adat istiadat kita, selain alam yang kita punya. APA YANG AKAN MEREKA JELASKAN AS GENERAL MANAGER ( EXPATRIATE ) JIKA ADA PERTANYAAN TENTANG ADAT ISTIADAT & BUDAYA DARI CUSTOMER MEREKA..??????? Mohon di renungkan terutama untuk para owner dan coorporate yang masih berorientasi kepada expatriate orientasi dan menyukai product import...... kenapa para owner dan investor tidak meningkatkan dan ikut memberikan kesempatan kepada SDM local untuk berkembang?????? Kita sebagai putra daerah dan Indonesia telah siap untuk bersaing di kancah persaingan management Dunia. Kita tunjukan bahwa Putra Indonesia tidak selalu menjadi penonton dan penggembira, kita pun telah siap tampil untuk menjadi seorang decision maker di chain hotel.... Suksess untuk putra Bali & Indonesia...... --- Pada Sen, 18/4/11, W. Nawa <w.nawa@ymail.com> menulis: Dari: W. Nawa <w.nawa@ymail.com> Judul: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Kepada: "Byron Karwanto" <b112on@yahoo.com>, "I Gusti Putu Suena" <igp_suena@yahoo.com>, "Wayan Nawa" <w.nawa@baligolfandcountryclub.com>, "Budhiwijaya (Jay)" <akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>, "agusmulyawan@yahoo.com" <agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>, "Joseph Karundeng" <joseph_edk@yahoo.com>, "HHRMA Bali Mailing List" <HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>, "HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com" <HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>, "HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com" <HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>, "Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier" <hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>, "syahrul sauta" <syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Tanggal: Senin, 18 April, 2011, 10:41 PM Bener Pak Byron, setuju. Memang tidak harus expert. Tetapi kalau blepotan spt komentar2 sebelumnya, susah juga ya jual diri meyakinkan corporate recruiter utk Int'l Chain. Itu sebabnya saya mengatakan English adalah prasyarat yg paling basic, tanpa mengabaikan syarat2 lainnya. Btw, orang Amerika atau orang Bristish sepanjang pengetahuan saya ga perlu dan blm ada ikut TOEFL=Test of English as Foreign Language. Krn English adalah bahasa ibunya. :) peace Salam, W.Nawa Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry® From: Byron Karwanto <b112on@yahoo.com> Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 21:14:26 -0700 (PDT) To: <igp_suena@yahoo.com>; <w.nawa@ymail.com>; Budhiwijaya \(Jay\)<akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>; agusmulyawan@yahoo.com<agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>; Joseph Karundeng<joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; HHRMA Bali Mailing List<HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier<hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta<syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Buat jadi GM, memang harus bisa komunikasi dalam bahasa inggris dengan fasih... tapi juga gak harus expert... Orang USA atau pun British, kalau mereka ikut test TOEFL, TOEIC, dsb... hasilnya terkadang sama saja... Yang mendapatkan nilai sempurna masih bisa di hitung... Lihat aja Raport anak-anak kita atau Raport kita jaman dulu... Nilai Bahasa Inggris lebih bagus dari nilai Bahasa Indonesia.... Hehehehehee.... Regards | BM From: "igp_suena@yahoo.com" <igp_suena@yahoo.com> To: w.nawa@ymail.com; Budhiwijaya (Jay) <akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>; "agusmulyawan@yahoo.com" <agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>; Joseph Karundeng <joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; HHRMA Bali Mailing List <HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; "HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com" <HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; "HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com" <HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier <hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta <syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Sent: Tue, April 19, 2011 10:32:22 AM Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Ha ha ha pak wayan nawa akhirnya berkomentar juga dan komentarnya tepat banget. Saya pake bahasa awak krn nyadar english saya tidak sebagus orang inggris, itupun saya cuma bisa pake sekedar untuk nyari makan he he he. Maju terus kawan......... Sent from my BlackBerryÃÆ'‚® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT From: "W. Nawa" <w.nawa@ymail.com> Sender: HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 02:55:23 +0000 To: Budhiwijaya \(Jay\)<akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com>; agusmulyawan@yahoo.com<agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>; Joseph Karundeng<joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; HHRMA Bali Mailing List<HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier<hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta<syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> ReplyTo: w.nawa@ymail.com Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? I just see from one view point, without disregarding the other reasons. Our English is not good enough to become a GM of an international chain property. Look at the English of the answers as well as the first question regarding this subject matter. We should not even ask this question! W.Nawa Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerryÃÆ'‚® From: "Budhiwijaya \(Jay\)" <akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com> Sender: HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 18:22:52 -0700 (PDT) To: agusmulyawan@yahoo.com<agusmulyawan@yahoo.com>; Joseph Karundeng<joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com<HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier<hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta<syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> ReplyTo: "Budhiwijaya \(Jay\)" <akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Dear Valued Member, I do understand .. my suggestion are : 1. Do not any disputation anymore 2. Lets prepare our self as local people to be GM in International Chain Hotels 3. Lets show to the International Hospitality that we are Indonesian are capable on those position Thank you. Keep Rock & Roll, Budhiwijaya (Jay) akoe_budhi20@yahoo.com budhiwijaya@musician.org 08164716000 From: "agusmulyawan@yahoo.com" <agusmulyawan@yahoo.com> To: Joseph Karundeng <joseph_edk@yahoo.com>; HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com; HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com; HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier <hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta <syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 1:04 AM Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? Very simple,, Mostly some the owner doesn't believe yet with the local people whereas same capabilities and even greater so wait until they are realize, thanks Sent from my BlackBerryÃÆ'ƒâ€šÃÆ'‚® From: Joseph Karundeng <joseph_edk@yahoo.com> Sender: HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 22:09:11 -0700 (PDT) To: <HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com>; <HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com>; <HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com>; Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier<hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com>; syahrul sauta<syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? What is this ? are you need a responder? if so, please find my answers as below; Even not all the expatriate are good in managing hotel, but their have a more charisma in front of customers. Most of the expatriate are like this, some time if they have some thing which against the discipline procedures their have a good reason for that. They got more trust from hotel owner more than locals. Back to point no. 1, it will increase the class of the hotel if people know that the hotel managers are expatriate (some people) Expatriates sometime give a very good presentation to convince the hotel owner to give a prediction of hotel and their resume it selves. Their got introduced by a third party. This is also valid for locals Sometime when hotel owners visit the hotel which is good based on their expectation, their looking who is in-charge as a General Manager, than the negotiates are begun. This is also valid for locals. Most of the 4 and 5 stars hotels are big group chains, which some of the brands are owned by expatriate and their required to have an expatriate to manage the hotel (at leased for a while) until their sure that local people can do. That's my answered Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates. With hospitality regards, --- On Mon, 4/18/11, syahrul sauta <syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> wrote: From: syahrul sauta <syahrulsauta@yahoo.com> Subject: {HHRMA~Bali} Why Hotel's GM in Indonesia still Expatriates?????? To: HHRMA-Bali@yahoogroups.com, HHRMA-Bali2@yahoogroups.com, HHRMA-Bandung@yahoogroups.com, "Hoteljobsinfo Hotelier" <hoteljobsinfo@yahoo.com> Date: Monday, April 18, 2011, 1:09 AM Dear All Indonesian Hoteliers! Why most of Hotel's GM in Indonesia especially for four and five statrs hotels are still EXPAT?? Syahrul SAUTA,SE.,MM.,MSc | | |
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