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{HHRMA~Bali} Fw: Russian GRO

Written by lowongan kerja on 10:21 PM


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Sukawati Gede <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 11:05 AM
Subject: Russian GRO

Bali Adventure Tours is a long established Bali tours operator with world class activities ranging from river kayaking, white water rafting, jungle trekking Bali and mountain cycling as well as world class facilities such as the renowned Elephant Safari Park where you can touch, feed and ride an elephant through the tropical jungle of Bali. Celebrate your wedding or vow renewals at the Elephant Park or stay at the luxury Elephant Safari Park Lodge and Wellness Spa. See elephants painting and take home a piece of thereby elephant artwork to help saving this endangered species or, wander through the elephant museum or tropical botanical gardens.  
Bali Adventure Tours is currently looking for an experienced RUSSIAN GUEST RELATIONS OFFICER with following requirement below:
    -    Native Speaking
-           Female with maximum age of 28 years, preferably single
-           Previous experience in similar role in an international five star hotel/ resort
-           Working experience in a casual settings with multi cultural environment
-           Fluent in English is a must
-           Knowledge of any other European languages ( French, or German) or Japanese would be an additional advantage.
-           Excellent customer service and communication skills
-           Must have ability to take proactive approach
-           Should posses ability to build and maintain positive relationship with internal and external guests and also ability to change priorities, direction or work demands
-           Passion for excellence and exceeding guest expectations.
-           Hard worker, willing to learn, team player, enthusiastic, professional, and excellent grooming
We offer a positive work ambiance and competitive remuneration package.
Please send CV / Resume and current photograph to:
Arifin Tirta Wijata
Director of Sales & Marketing Bali Adventure Tours
Head Office: Adventure House - Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai Pesanggaran - Denpasar 80221 - Indonesia
t.  +62 361 721 480 f.  +62 361 721 481 m. +62 812 386 0739 e.  e.  Skype arifin.tirta.wijata

Recent Activity:
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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