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{HHRMA~Bali} Job Vacancy

Written by lowongan kerja on 5:24 AM


THE PURII, Kuta - Bali is a one-stop tourist destination offering spa, shopping and culinary experience is seeking suitably qualified individuals to apply for:

1. Training Coordinator
2. HR & GA Administration Sta
3. Executive Secretary
4. Housekeeper
5. Engineers
6. Warehouse
7. Security Guard (male & female)
8. Drivers
9. Office Boy

10. Accounting & Administration Sta
11. Cost Controller
12. Purchasing Sta
13. IT Specialist

14. Account Executives
15. Guest Service Agents
16. Guest Relation Officers
17. Sales Administration    
18. Costumer Service

19. Product Designer

20. Spa Manager
21. Spa Supervisor


- S1 graduate in related field (1)
- D3 graduate in related field (2-7, 10-21)
- SMA / SMK graduate (all)
- Min. 2 years experience in related field (1- 21)
- Min. 1 year experience in related field (all)
- Good command of English (1, 3, 7, 10-21), knowledge of Mandarin is a plus
- Male (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7-21)
- Female (3, 7, 10-21)

Interested candidates are required to submit Application Letter, resume and recent photograph by the latest on September 26, 2011 to one of the address below: (type preferred position in "Subject" box)

PO. Box 2230 KUTA 
(write preferred position on top-left corner of the envelope)

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview

Recent Activity:
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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