{HHRMA~Bali} Meal Allowance
Written by lowongan kerja on 6:19 PM
Hi friends,
Can you help me with some research. I would like to know from other HR Professionals whether other manufacturing companies in Indonesia:
Can you help me with some research. I would like to know from other HR Professionals whether other manufacturing companies in Indonesia:
a) offer lunch/lunch allowance as a benefit. If so how much.
b) use a performance appraisal/review for production line workers.
Can you help?
I have already asked my HR contacts. I would like a larger sample size of answers. Your help is hugely appreciated!
Many thanks,
Dear Ross
Some hotels in Bali have budget for meal allowance around Rp 6.500 - Rp.9.000,-
Regarding the use a performance appraisal for production line workers, maybe the others HR will help you
thank you
Some hotels in Bali have budget for meal allowance around Rp 6.500 - Rp.9.000,-
Regarding the use a performance appraisal for production line workers, maybe the others HR will help you
thank you
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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