Informasi Lowongan Kerja Indonesia

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Written by lowongan kerja on 2:19 AM


Dear Colleagues,
Kindly please be assisted to disseminate this vacancy that The Catur Villa Seminyak, is currently seeking a potential candidates for :
                                        "  SECURITY & FO"
                                 (Daily Worker )
With basic requirements :
~ For  FO (Driver License, english is a must)
~. Male,
~. Willing to join immediately
~. Preferably having 6 months experience in job training
~. Guest service oriented
~. Energetic, good personality , neat appearance & enjoy interacting with people
~. Hotel tourism background is preferable Min. D1
~. English is a must, both verbal & written
For those who are interested in these position are welcome to submit your CV with recent photograph  to :
                                   Human Resources Department
                                The Catur villa seminyak, Jl.villa sunset,Gg Ratna 13d,seminyak  Bali - Indonesia
                                            E-mail :
                                            Phone  : (62) 361  731704
                                            Fax      : (62) 361   738012

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Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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