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{HHRMA~Bali} The kayana seminyak - bali

Written by lowongan kerja on 6:56 AM


The Kayana Seminyak -Bali open an opportunities for the following position :

1. Asst. Restaurant Manager (Male)
2. CDP ( Chef De Partie)
3. Host (Female)
4. Waitress

The above position should meet the following requirements :
1. Graduated from Hotel and Tourism school min D3
2. Has experience at the same position minimum 2 year.
3. Understand costing food and beverage
4. Good communication skill
5. Fluent English, spoken and written.
6. Good appearance, positive attitude & hard working.

Please send their CV to &
Sent from my Android phone. Please excuse my brevity.

Recent Activity:
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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