Informasi Lowongan Kerja Indonesia

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Written by lowongan kerja on 11:50 PM


Dear Colleagues,
It would be much appreciate if you could share or disseminate this advertisement to any of your high potential and motivated colleagues in achieving a bright career path at our five star International chained hotel Le Grande Suites Pecatu Bali.
At present, we are looking for:  
1. Sales Executive
2. Guest Service Agent (Female) Able to speak Mandarin
3. Guest Service Agent (GSA) (Male & Female)
4. Pastry & Bakery Cook
5. Therapist

General Requirements:

·   Has a good personality, appearance, performance, high motivation and willing to  work under pressure.
·   Min 1year of 4 or 5 star hotel experience. No.1,2,3,4,5
·  Strong interpersonal communication, proactive and analytical thinking.
·  Has a good relationship with people.
. Able to operate VHP Program for No.3
. Able to to speak English (spoken & written) for No.1,3
. Able to to speak Mandarin for No.2
If Interested, please send us your CV, testimonials and currently color photoes  to:

Email address :

Recent Activity:
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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