{HHRMA~Bali} Urgently Needed
Written by lowongan kerja on 2:02 AM
Urgently Needed
PT. Pacto Ltd, Destination Management Company (DMC) looking for suitable candidate to join our company as:
1.Supervisor Reservation Group
General qualifications:
- Male max. 30 years old
- Min Diploma Background
- Adequate interpersonal & communication skills
-Creative, Innovative, & Adaptable
- Having a good team work, Self motivated, and hard worker
- Minimum 2 years experience at travel agency for the same position
- Denpasar Bali Residence Area
Interest candidate are invited to send your CV & recent photo to:
Human Resources Department
PT. Pacto Bali Tour & Travel
Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai no:378
Sanur - Denpasar - Bali
Phone : + 62 361 288247
Fax : + 62 361 288240
email : hrd@pactobali.com
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