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{HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy in MNC : Laboratory Assistant

Written by lowongan kerja on 6:19 AM


Permisi Moderator dan mohon maaf rekan-rekan, ijinkan saya menyampaikan berita lowongan untuk perusahaan MNC seperti di bawah :

A newly established multinational company located in Banten Province is looking for a talented person as a :


He/she will be based in Cilegon, Banten Province and to work together with Acting Laboratory Supervisor. As a member of the global laboratory function, this position need a good communicaiton skill as well as ability to communicate the job progress to other laboratory staff globally.

Areas of responsibilities include:
- Consulting with the appropriate laboratory supervisor and other technologists
- Preparing solutions and setting out equipment
- Performing technical duties related to the chemistry laboratory activities
- Ensuring the safe storage of chemical materials as well as receiving material for laboratory usage
- Recommending and / or performing maintenance or repairs of equipment in the laboratory office
- Participates in and contributes to a safe environment in the chemistry laboratory by doing some task related with safety.
- Participates in and contributes to the achievement of chemistry laboratory through other related duties.

Candidate also required to be familiar with :
- Calibration system
- ISO 2008 / quality management
- EHS policy within chemical industry
- Vicat Test
- Compressor Moulding
- Melt Flow Rate
- Spectrofometry
- FTIR, OCS, RPS, etc.

Knowledge and skills requirement for the job:
- Bachelors degree in Chemistry Technology
- Experience as laboratory staff for 2 until 5 years
- Ability to prepare and organize laboratory and demonstration materials
- Ability to set priorities on own initiative
- Computer skills
- Good English communication skill
- Ability to accomodate to change
- Job placement is in Cilegon, Banten

Please email your resume by putting "Laboratory Assistant" in your email subject, before 15 November 2011 to

All resume must be in MS. Word/PDF Format and DON'T SEND AN EMAIL MORE THAN 1 MegaBytes.

PLEASE DON'T SEND your certificate scan copy otherwise the emaail system will reject your application.

Email : (cilegon [dot] recruitment [at] gmail [dot] com)

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Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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