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{HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy In Swiss-Belhotel Bay View

Written by lowongan kerja on 7:23 PM


Dear All HHRMA - Bali Members ,

We are 4 star Hotel In Nusa Dua Swiss-Belhotel Bay View.
We are currently seeking qualified candidates to join our company to fill current available positions as

1. IT Manager.
2. Cost Control.
3. Store Keeper.
4. Room Boy ( D.W )

with the qualifications:

Male or Female, with age not more than 30 years old.
Minimum 2 years working experience in same position with VHP system background.
3. Education minimum D3
4. Able to operate computer: Microsoft word, excel and email.

Good Personality.
6. Can be work in Team
7. Good English

Please send your CV and recent photograph to
Thank you.


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Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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