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{HHRMA~Bali} Walk in Interview at Grand Whiz Kuta

Written by lowongan kerja on 6:28 AM


Dear Valued Members,

Kindly spread out this job vacancies in GRAND WHIZ HOTEL KUTA
We are looking for dynamic, outgoing, energetic candidates to join our pre-opening team to fill these following positions :

A&G Dept. :
1. GM Secretary
2. EDP Officer

Accounting Dept. :
1. General Cashier
2. Storekeeper Clerk

F&B Service :
1. Waiter

Sales & Marketing Dept. :
1. Sales and Marketing Manager
2. Sales Executive

Front Office Dept. :
1. FO Supervisor
2. Reservation
3. GSO (Male)
4. Bellboy

Engineering Dept. :
1. Supervisor
2. Staff

Interested candidates are welcome to come for Walk-in Interview and bring CV on :

Date : October 25 & 29, 2011
Time : 10.00 – 17.00 Wita
Venue : Grand Whiz Hotel Kuta (Basement Office) , Jl Kartika Plaza No 92 Kuta (front of ramada bintang bali)
Phone : 0361-759099

Candidates are also welcome to send CV with the recent photograph by email to : and cc to :

Recent Activity:
Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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