{HHRMA~Bali} Job Vacancies
Written by lowongan kerja on 11:18 PM
Dear Moderator,
Please help us to spread out our VACANCIES to all of HHRMA Members that Serene Villas Seminyak is looking for
1. Reservation Agent
2. Villa Attendant
With below details:
a. Good Experiences and Personality
b. Hospitality/Diploma degree
c. Good Comment in both written and Listening for point #1
d. Able to work with team and/or individual
Please send resume and CV to: accounts@serenevillas.com or Serene Villas, Jl. Drupadi 22 Seminyak Kuta . Shortlisted candidate will be in interviewed
Made Sujana - Financial Controller
Serene Villas - Jl Drupadi 22 Seminyak, Bali - Indonesia
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