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{HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy At SAMABE Suite & Villas Nusa Dua

Written by lowongan kerja on 10:21 PM


Dear colleague

Please info to your relative and friend

We are Samabe Bali Resort & Villas
Samabe Bali Resort & Villas is resided on the cliffs of Southern Nusa Dua with its white sand beach and vast turquoise blue ocean, representing a top 5 star Bali Resort beachfront. We are looking for a highly motivated  candidates to fill the position  below :

GRO  – Guest Service Agent
You are a Guest Service professional with hotel experience, who are self motivated and having outgoing personality, good communication skill and prefer to work as a team. You are able  to make things better for the customer and has an ability to take an initiative in learning and selling product. Ability to speak Mandarin Russian or Korea will be advantage

Please address you CV and recent photograph to 


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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ {HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy At SAMABE Suite & Villas Nusa Dua ”

  2. By Anonymous on October 8, 2015 at 9:41 AM

    Ada lowongan untuk HRD admin ? Tolong infonya . Thanks

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